Monday, April 25, 2011

First Hike

Wow Weeeee!! What were we thinking?? Bryan and I decided to take the kids on their first hike in April. He said it was a three mile hike...I'm thinking a mile and a half there and a mile and a half back. WRONG. It was a 6 mile hike total and totally worth it! I was absolutely amazed at how well the kids did. They loved every second of it. There were a few times on the trail I was literally saying to myself, "what in the world are we doing?" but both of the kids were such troopers. They kept pointing to things and saying take a picture of that. I have a gazillion pictures of tree stumps and random bugs. The end result was a waterfall that makes you say "Wow, look at God's amazing creation."

Amazed by the beauty of God's creation!!

Now that is excitement!
Really?? Does it get any sweeter than this?

Fun, Fun, FUN!
This hiking thing is hard work!!

One of her proudest moments

Yes, she is absolutely proud of the crazy mess she made!!