Friday, June 12, 2009

Cook out Fun

I realized today that I did not post any of the FUN pictures from our cook out on Sunday. I posted the after the accident photo, but left out the best part of the day!
Griffin, Coop, Brylee (The three amigos)


She LOVES to laugh
One of these days when these two are married (yes, it is already an arranged marriage) they are going to kill us for this.

Conversations with Cooper

On our way to the pediatrician's office today to get Coop's stitches out!

Cooper: "Mommy, where's Sissy?"
Me: "She is with Daddy eating breakfast."
Cooper: "Mommy, I miss her. I want her with me."
Me: "You've got to visit the doctor, so he can check out your noggin."
Cooper: "But Momma, I need her with me. She is my best friend."

My heart instantly melted. I know in the future I will show him this post and he will deny EVER saying this about his annoying little sister, but for now I will enjoy the fact that they LOVE being together ALL the time.

The stitches are out and Dr. L said the ER dr. did an amazing job with the stitches. He said they were extremely neat and hopefully will not scar badly. We will have to wait a full year to evaluate the scar and see if there will be need for plastic surgery. Apparently, after an accident a plastic surgeon will not even evaluate a young patient until after the scar has had one full year to heal. Dr. L said that in his opinion with Cooper's age, young skin, and the clean cut that there will not be a need for plastic surgery. Please pray that he is right and Coop will not have to have surgery!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The day "after"

Cooper had a pretty good day. He layed on the couch the majority of the day and watched cartoons, which, at our house is really unusual. He didn't have much of an appetite, but the nurse told me to expect a decrease in appetite. However, around 4 p.m. he started getting restless and fussy. Well, my normal solution to the kids grumpyness is GAGGY!! So, I called Gaggy and told her we were on our way. I knew that my Mom was sick with worry, she had not seen Cooper since we left the ER. I knew that it would be great for both of them. We were in the yard and Cooper heard a woodpecker, we walked down to the creek and went on a woodpecker hunt. We never found him, but Poppy broke out the old binoculars to aid in our search and Coop loved it. Hint! Hint! If anyone needs any Christmas ideas :) He played a little and enjoyed spending some time outside once it finally cooled down.

He was trying to tell me where woodpeckers live

I hope they are always as close as they are now

An Ambulance Ride for Cooper

On Sunday we cooked out with our amazing friends Josh, Sarah, and their little guy Griffin. The kids had a ball playing on the new swing set they had just put up for Griffin. We had a yummy dinner and the kids instantly headed back to the swing set. Josh and Bryan had been pushing the kids on the swings all evening and the kids were loving it. Josh was on one side and Bryan on the other. Sarah and I were sitting on the porch catching up and chatting. Not to be dramatic, but in one instant it all changed. Cooper was on the glider and somehow the rope got slack in it and it started going back and forth. Cooper was thrown off the glider and hit a 4x6 piece of wood lining the playset (to hold the mulch in) straight on his forehead.

I heard Cooper screaming and Bryan trying to calm him down. I ran over to where they were and Bryan already had his shirt off and holding it to Cooper's forehead. I couldn't tell exactly what had happened, but I could tell by the look on Bryan's face that it was serious. I ask him if I needed to call 911. He replied "yes" and my knees buckled. I ran inside and Josh was already on the phone with 911. I went back out and Cooper was telling Bryan that it didn't hurt any more and that he wanted to stand up. Bryan explained to Coop that Daddy had to hold him he had a pretty rough boo-boo. I started to reach for Cooper, but I could tell there was no way in the world his Daddy was letting go. The ambulance arrived after what seemed like FOREVER, Sarah and I were just saying we need to go, we need to take him ourselves, when finally the ambulance arrived and the guys ever so non-chalantly got out of the ambulance like they were out for a Sunday brunch. Bryan climbed in the ambulance with Cooper and they strapped Bryan in and let Cooper sit on his lap. I followed behind in my car (horrible idea). I was panicked, speeding down Stone Drive with my flashers on. I managed to stay calm when I called my Mom to meet us at the ER, but completely lost it with my poor sister-in-law when I called her. Love her, she talked me out of hysterics as I drove (I know, I know, completely breaking 9,000 laws all at the same time.) I arrived at the hospital before the ambulance did. Cooper had been amazing, he had talked to Bryan since the fall, but for some reason when he arrived at the hospital, he completely stopped talking. He gave me a high five, but he wouldn't answer any of my questions. When he stopped talking to us I Panicked. At this point, the doctor had not even been in to see us. I immediately told the nurse his behavior was not normal AT ALL, and I was extremely concerned. They ordered a rush CAT scan and immediately took him for the scan. They came back and said he did amazing during the scan and that the dr. would be with us soon with the results. While we waited on the results a family friend of ours walked by, he stopped and ask us if he could pray with us, I don't think I could get the words "please please" out of my mouth quick enough. He prayed the sweetest prayer I think I have ever heard! The dr. came in shortly after and told us the best news, "normal scan results." The nurse came with the numbing medication (they had to numb his head to put the stitches in) and within minutes of the medicine Cooper started talking again. I am not sure if he was just in so much pain or maybe it was the complete shock of the situation or maybe the combination of both, but I could finally breathe again when he started talking and interacting with us again. Our nurse, Carmen, was amazing with Cooper and Dr. Summers explained everything to Cooper and made him feel so comfortable. I am so grateful that they were working that night. The numbing medication had the area completely numb in about 30 minutes and Dr. S came in to do the stitches. He said it was actually a blessing that it was a straight cut instead of a jagged cut, because he could use fewer stitches and therefore, hopefully less scarring. Cooper was the best little patient, he was so still while the dr. was putting in his stitches. He listened and followed directions and did exactly what they ask him to do. They gave me instructions to wake him every 4 hours that night and to watch him closely, but he seemed to be completely fine except for the two and a half inch gash on his forehead and some other scrapes and bruises. We have to see our regular pediatrician on Friday to hopefully get the stitches out. We are leaving for the beach on Saturday so we are praying that he will get his stitches out before we go to the beach. The ER dr. mentioned that we might have to consult with a plastic surgeon about the scarring, but we are praying that will not be the case.

Sunday Night : Coop slept pretty well. He tossed and turned all night and was not a happy camper when I woke him up at 4am. He woke up about 7am in a panick because the bandage had slipped down over his eyes and he couldn't see. I got him calmed down and moved the bandage back up. He went back to sleep and slept till about 9:30.

Sewing Time

I have really enjoyed the last couple of weeks off of work spending time with the kids; in my spare time I completed a couple of small sewing projects. On a side note, I have realized that with 2 children under the age of 4 I really have no spare time. I have always wanted to learn to sew and slowly but surely I am getting there (if you call a pair of jammie pants and a pillow case dress getting there). I can't wait to learn new things and make the kids more adorable little clothes. I'm going to enjoy making them things now while they will still wear them because, I know all to soon they are going to be to "cool" to wear something that their mother made them. Brylee loves her jams, as she calls them, and I'm in the process of making Coop a pair, of course, this had been put on hold for a bit, but I will finish them eventually.

Brylee sporting her pillowcase dress at church

Chillin in her jammy pants I made from an old t-shirt

Birthday fun

Saturday was filled with birthday parties and swimming for the "R" kids. Cooper celebrated Piper's 4th birthday and Asher's 3rd birthday with them at the lake. While Bryan and Cooper enjoyed their fun in the sun Brylee and I were at a pool birthday party celebrating Luke's (a.ka. Lukey) 2nd Birthday!!

Coop and Brylee both really enjoyed celebrating with their friends, eating cake, and playing in the water! Happy Birthday Piper, Asher and Luke!!
Cooper leaving for the Birthday Party! He loves riding in the "vertible"

Lucke enjoying his yummy Elmo cake, Happy Birthday Lukey!