Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Brylee is an

ADDICT!! Really, she needs 2 things in her life to survive.

1) George

2) paci

She will even steal .......

Here she is caught red handed. What does she do when just one George isn't enough......steal her brother's George, right off his bed.

Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!!

Thursday was the last day of school!!!! So, on Friday, we headed to the Knoxville Zoo. We started our summer vacation off with a fantastic fun filled day seeing the animals and hanging out with great friends: Josh, Sarah, and Griffin. The kids enjoyed it more than I had imagined. They were amazed by all of the different animals, and Cooper soaked it all in and asked TONS of questions. I have not been to the Knoxville Zoo in years, and I must say I was really impressed. I can't wait to take the kids back!

They loved petting and brushing the sheep

LOVE THIS!! Cooper was amazed at how big the bear was up close

Brylee's first feel of sand on her toes! She wasn't too sure at first, but then decided it was really fun. I can't wait for the beach.

Not so sure about the carousel ride
She absolutely cracked me up with the "serious face" She would have sat still and watched for hours

Josh, Sarah, Griffin, Cooper, and Brylee checking out the otters

Conversations with Cooper

On Saturday, Cooper recieved his first trophy. He carried it with him all day. Saturday night as I got him out of the bathtub I said:

"Cooper, I am so proud of your soccer trophy."

to which he replied:

"Daddy, why is Mommy proud of my trophy? It didn't do anything."

Soccer Season Comes to an end

Cooper's first soccer season came to an end this past Saturday. Although the season started off a little rough, he ended up having a ball and loving every minute of it, ok, maybe not every minute but, we did finish the seaon with a smile. I think in the end, even Bryan was grateful that he helped coach. He learned so much and while he is not David Beckham yet, he may well be on his way!! We are looking forward to many more Saturday's on the soccer fields in the future. Oops! I can't forget the best part: Cooper recieved his very first trophy!! He was so excited; he asked me to take a picture of the trophy and send to everyone.
"The Coach" and Cooper before practice

Admiring his trophy

Tea Party

Happy Birthday Ellison!!
My cousin Jennifer threw a tea party birthday party for her daughter, Ellison, at Two Sisters Tea Room. We were lucky enough to be invited, and a wonderful time was had by all. The food was scrumptious and the girls loved getting all dressed up. Brylee loved being a "big girl" for the day.
All dressed up for the Tea Party

Gaggy and Brylee enjoying scones

Lauren, Ellison, and Brylee

Despite the face, she really did LOVE the pink lemonade!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I got "that call" at work today. The one every mom dreads. My mom called and informed me that Brylee was OK, but she had fallen and hit her head and their was a possibility of needing stitches. Well, I immediately went into panic mode and most of you know I don't do well in panic mode. I am do grateful that it was 2:45 and the school day was over because my poor students would have thought I had lost my marbles. My imagination of course went to the worst but the whole 2 minute drive to Palmer I kept reassuring myself saying if it is "that bad" they would have called an ambulance. Yes, I must admit my Mom brain went there ambulance, 911, and all. By the time I walked into the building and saw her I was sooooo relieved. It looks pretty rough but compared to the images I had imprinted in my brain it was a relief. I called the pediatricians office to see if I could bring her there or if I needed to take her to the ER. The Dr's office was wonderful and told me to bring her on to their office. After a long look and a very very thorough exam the pediatrician was happy to announce that she didn't need a CAT skan. We discussed a couple of stitches but she mentioned the possibility of scarring so we opted for the glue. Of course, like any head injury we have to keep a close eye on her tonight but she has done well through out the day.

She is such a nut, she keeps touching it and saying "uh-oh."

Tube Time

Last Wednesday Brylee had to have tubes put in her ears. She has had 6 double ear infections in the past 5 months. The surgery went extremely well and we went back to see Dr. H today for her one week check up. He said her tubes look perfect and all is well. Thanks everyone for all of the prayers!!!!! Poppy and Gaggy thanks for coming with us to hang out with Cooper and love on Brylee!

Cooper showed his overprotective big brother side after the surgery. As we were leaving Cooper told the nurse "it isn't nice that you hut my Sissy. You need to tell her you are sorry."
My happy happy baby before her surgery
Cooper was telling Poppy all about the tubes that they were putting in Sissy's ears

Just Another Reason

We LOVE LOVE LOVE summer! Ice cream on the front porch after dinner......

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Crafts

I stole an idea from my friend Kristen added a stolen idea from my mom and made the cutest Mother's Day bags for all the wonderful mom's in our family. The project took longer than I expected (apparently I am overachiever) because I decided to do a bag for all the moms, but it was well worth all the work. The kids really enjoyed putting their thumbprints on the bags to make the flower petals. I took fabric and cut out the names and then adhesed the letters using web fuse. I sewed buttons on for the middle of the flowers and then the kids used their thumbs to make the flower petals! Crafty and FUN but the best part was everyone LOVED their bags!! I didn't take pictures of all the bags but here are a couple of the finished bags.


I think Brylee's nights in her crib are limited. After putting her to bed the other night I heard her laughing, so when I went to check on her this is what I found. The little monkey trying to climb out of her crib.

Field Day FUN

A couple of weeks ago the kids had "Field Day" at their school. For those not familiar with field day at PC it is a BIG deal! The kids look forward to it all year, and it is an ALL day extravaganza. They set up tons of activity stations for the kids. Each station is a different activity and they rotate from station to station with their group. Everyone at PC puts in so much for this day to happen and I hope they know how much the kids (and parents) LOVE and appreciate it. They even get a city water truck to come and spray a huge spray so the kids can run and play in it! Makes you want to go back and be a kid all over again doesn't it :)

The weather was beautiful and the kids had a ball. Byran was lucky enough to spend the day with them splishing and splashing in the cold, let me rephrase, super cold water, and I was able to sneak away from work for a couple of hours to join in the fun! I was worried that I would not be able to join in on the fun because they changed the date at the last minute due to the weather, but I work with the best of the best. They covered my classes so I could go over and join in the summer fun!

Cooper and Brylee both had the best time. Not surprising at all, the obstacle course was the favorite for both kids.

They enjoyed running through the sprinklers too!

Brylee "helping" Bubby!

On a side note, I have to mention that I fell in love with my adorable hubby all over again on field day. I knew when I married him that he was going to be an amazing Dad, but I think with the busy life we lead I sometimes forget or don't really see what a truelly amazing Daddy he is. When I arrived he was pushing Coop and "his girlfriend" on the swings. (OK, so I'm not sure Ellie will agree that she is his girlfriend but for months Coop has been telling us that she is indeed "his girlfriend.") The three of them had the funniest conversations about a gazillion different things, but what made me really smile is that: he never stopped pushing. Every parent knows that feeling when your child is on the swings and you will do anything in the world to draw their attention off the swings and ON to something else, to give your arms a rest, but, more importantly, your ears a rest from the constant "push me higher." Bryan never did, he pushed and pushed until the kids had the great idea of going back to the water.
And later in the day, when we were with Brylee's group I was talking to the teacher and heard lots of giggles and squeals. I looked around to find this:

I have been so blessed with an amazing husband and Daddy for my babies!