Friday, June 11, 2010

Conversations with Cooper

Cooper has been in the funniest little mood today.

We were outside working on our backyard project and he was talking to Bryan about our retaining wall.

Cooper: "Dad, how high is it going to be?"
Bryan: "I'm not sure yet."
Cooper: "Is it going to be 1 tall or 60 tall?"
Bryan: "How tall is 60 tall?"
Cooper: "All the way to God."

We are going for a walk later and Cooper was trying to decide if he wanted to ride his scooter or his bike.

Cooper: "I want to ride my scooter, but I hate it when it goes sidewards."
Me: "Sidewards is not a word. What word did I tell you earlier?"
Cooper: "Sideways, but I don't like that word."

Of course, the Language Arts teacher in me LOVES this one:
Cooper: "I don't feel well. Mommy, it is too hot out here."

I know I'm a huge dork but I love that he is using good and well correctly :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Photo Session with Momma!

We have been busy enjoying our summer. Our days have been filled with tough decisions such as: Do we go to the lake or do we go to the pool? The weather decided not to cooperate with our normal plans, so I decided we would have a Mini Momma photo session. I LOVE LOVE my new camera and couldn't wait to try it out on my favorite subjects! We went downtown because I thought the old buildings would make a gorgeous background. Well, we only made it to the park next to the library because Cooper and Brylee were not cooperating. They were more interested in playing tag, but I did manage to get a few shots while according to them their "legs were resting."

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