Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

I just realized this is the first picture I've posted of our new house!!

"Licking" snowflakes

She was not so sure at first, but LOVED IT!
Snowball fight!

The kids loved watching it snow. Brylee wanted to know why popcorn was falling outside.

Family Time

We love spending time with family! We had such a great day with Mimi and Papaw. The whole crew headed to my grandparents house for some yummy lunch and a day of decorating for Christmas.

Ellison, Lauren, and Brylee
Cooper had more fun playing in the Christmas tree box

little Miss Giggle Box

Special Day

One special day for one very special little guy! Cooper is FOUR! I am one very lucky Momma. I never knew the love a person could feel until I became a Mom. Yes, I had heard all of the cliches but never understood until they put him in my arms four years ago! When you become a mom they are no longer cliches, but statements that hold so much truth.

It seems impossible that four years have gone by, but in the past four years I have shared moments with this precious little guy that I would not trade for the world. As I type this post, I have tears in my eyes. Simply thinking of how blessed my life is because of him.

* He has been my cuddle baby since the day he was born. As a baby, he slept on our laps or laying on our chests and loved it! He still asks to sleep with us every night and every night we give him the you are a big boy speech, but around 5 am every morning he climbs in bed with us.

* He adores his sister. He does not like to go anywhere without her. They play together so well. Of course, they have their squabbles but they do not like to be apart. He worries about her and takes such good care of her. I know that he will always be there to protect her, and she is so lucky to have such an amazingly loving big brother.

+ I love to see the world through his eyes. He has so much excitement for the new and unknown. He has such curiousity about everything. He wants to know how everything works.
He makes the smallest chores fun and exciting.

+ He hates to clean up. He will do anything and everything to get out of cleaning up. This includes cleaning of all types.

+ He does not like chocolate, but loves candy.

+ He would spend every minute of every day outside playing. He loves to ride his bike and scooter.

+ He loves animals. He would keep every creepy, crawly creature he finds if his momma would let him.

+ Accoring to him, I only have one name and that is "Momma"

+ His daddy is his hero and in his eyes Daddy can do all things. He can fix everything, solve everything, and is the coolest guy in the world. He wants to grow up and be as tall as his daddy.

+ He wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.

+ Some fun facts:

favorite food:
brocolli/cauliflower salad
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (peanut butter on the bottom and jelly on top)

favorite movie: Cars

Shoe size: 10

Pants: can wear 4's but mostly 5's because of length

shirt: 4's and 5's

Happy Birthday Buddy, Mommy loves you!

Birthday Boy!!

It seems almost impossible that Cooper is FOUR!!! He decided for his birthday he didn't want a party, but instead he wanted to go to the zoo. Well, who was I to argue with that? But, come the day of his birthday there was one big was freezing cold outside. Luckily for me, Coop's super smart Daddy realized the predicament we were about to have: Cooper not getting a party + not getting to get to the zoo + a crying 4 year old on his birthday....which all means one crying Mommy because she couldn't make her babies birthday wish come true. In steps Super Dad......he started talking to Coop about all the animals he wanted to see at the zoo. The conversation led to sharks!! Sharks at the zoo? I was thinking he had lost his mind, but he gave me the don't worry honey, Super Dad is here look. The conversation between the two continued on about different types of sharks..........then it came...the magical part of the day.....Cooper asked me if we could go see sharks instead of bears and lions! Whew, that Super Dad saved the day!!!!
Unfortunately, Super Dad did not charge the batteries on the camera! So, I will have to post more birthday pictures when I get them from Gaggy.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I wanna be a ROCKSTAR Baby....

You guessed it, both of the kids wanted to be rockstars for Halloween. Truth be known, whatever Cooper wanted to be so did Brylee. Every time Cooper decided what he wanted his costume to be Brylee would chime in with her famous "me too, Bubby, me too." He was such a good sport and finally decided that she could be a rock star too, but she had to wear a skirt.
The kids loved trick or treating, but I think they enjoyed the treats that were hand delivered by Uncle Hayter Dee, Aunt Lee, and Zach the most!
It's impossible to keep this group of kids standing still.
It's hard work being a rockstar, but somebody has to do it!
Bryan joined in on the dressing up too! He went all out and sprayed his hair black. I almost refused to let him out of the house looking like that. After all, we are new to the neighborhood.
Coop's masterpiece! The goofy pumpkin!


I just love those frenkels. For those of you who are not familiar with frenkels let me explain. Frenkels are the adorable little brown dots on Coop's nose that he lovingly refers to as frenkels. He knows they are freckels but prefers to call them by the name frenkels. According to Cooper frenkels are much cooler than freckels. I don't know why and honestly, I don't think I will even ask anymore. Why? Because, the word frenkels is just too cute, and I love the adorable little frenkels too!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Today was a good day

...not because, Bryan has hurt his back and can hardly walk.
...not because, I spent $175 dollars at the grocery store.
...not because, I did not get all the laundry done.
...not because, my house is SO NOT clean.
because, when I walked in the door from the grocery store, bags still in hand, Cooper asked me to snuggle with him on the couch!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Princess is 2

There simply is no better way to spend your birthday! We were so blessed to spend Brylee's 2nd Birthday with the Moody's (Josh, Sarah, and Griffin) at Uncle Howie's pool! We enjoyed a sunshiney day swimming and playing! Brylee sang "Happy Birthday to Me" ALL day long. She is definitely a Diva in the making!
The Three Amigos
Way to Brave! He was making me so nervous and his Daddy so proud

The Birthday girl with her Uncle Joe. She adores him. She is blessed to have him as a God Father!
The whole gang enjoying the pool

My Punky! I can't believe she is 2

She looks at her Daddy with so much love! He truely is her hero
No birthday is complete without a goofy older brother hanging around :)

A new place to play...

Over the summer Aunt Bek and Uncle Bill bought a new house, and the best part is it's on the lake. Of course, after they moved in we just had to check it out and give our seal of approval! The plan was for a day of fishing, jet skiing, and swimming. Lucky for us the kids love swimming and jet-skiing because the fishing was only fun until we actually caught a fish. The kids loved sitting on the dock holding the fishing poles and waiting for the bobber, but when they caught the fish they were scared to death. The kids wore themselves out. Uncle Bill built a step on the dock and the kids could actually climb from the water onto the dock themselves. They quickly made a path 1) water 2)dock 3) JUMP! I didn't get any pictures of them jumping from the dock because the batteries died, but I"m sure the future holds many many more days playing at the dock! Thanks Bek and Bill for a super fun day!

Brylee had more fun entertaining herself than fishing

Cooper taking Uncle Bill for a spin. Yep, Coop can actually drive the jet ski better than his me
Brylee taking Uncle Bill for a spin I love these three pictures. They detail our fishing experience perfectly. We started out having fun. Coop held the first fish he caught. The last picture shows how far away he remained from any fish caught after the first one.


The Reynolds' family re-union. I know I am way behind. The re-union was actually the first Saturday in August, but I am just now posting them. We had a wonderful time and this year we actually had a new venue. We had the re-union at Warrior's Path. We had the picnic at the shelter on the lake and it was perfect. The kids loved being in the water, and Brylee's favorite part was the beach. She spent more time playing in the sand than in the water this year, but Cooper was a jet ski maniac. He loved riding, and I'm pretty sure he rode with every uncle he could sneak a ride with.

Brylee showing off her Copper Tone Booty

Jet Ski Maniac. He definitely takes this after his cousin Zak and Uncle Hayter Dee

Apparently, Brylee takes after Zak too :)

Gotta love what a jet ski ride does to the hair

Brave, brave, brave...

Miss Priss

It's Raining, It's Pooring, the Reynold's clan is...

playing ball!! We went to Gaggy and Poppy's to enjoy a yummy dinner and the kids were itching to get outside and play. Only there was one BIG problem: it was POURING rain. Well, I did what any crazy Mom would do. We played in the rain forever. Yes, we were all drenched. Yes, we were all a muddy mess. Yes, we got stains all over our clothes. And YES, I can't wait to do it again!
