Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Birthday Boy Turns the BIG 3

On Saturday Cooper celebrated his 3rd birthday. It is so hard to believe that he is 3 years old. Time really does fly. It seems like just yesterday I was standing in his nursery praying to God to bless us with a healthy baby. I still remember standing in the door way of his room rubbing my big ol' pregnant belly thinking "is he ever going to come." Well, three years later we are extremely blessed with our "little man."

Unfortunately, we had to cancel Coop's party on Saturday because he had been sick all week long and I didn't want to take a chance of him being absolutely miserable at his big monster truck birthday party. We went for the next best thing: a night at Chuck E. Cheese. The ride of the night for him was definitely the horsey ride. I think we probably spent fifteen dollars on the horsey ride. He loved loved loved it. We had to take him off so other kids could ride it and as soon as they were done he was right back on it. He did briefly pause for a game of air hockey but it was short lived and we were right back to the horsey ride.

In honor of Cooper turning 3 here is Coop's top 3 list:

Favorite Cartoons:

1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
2. Go Diego Go
3. Backyardigans

Favorite Foods:

1. Breakfast Bars
2. Sausage Balls
3. Watermelon

Favorite Toys:

1. Balls (football/basketball/soccer) it doesn't matter what kind, just play ball!
2. Motorcycles / Race Cars/ Monster Trucks
3. Horses

Favorite Movies:

1. Ice Age
2. Shrek
3. Cat in the Hat

Cooper's Night Time Favorites:

1. Tucking in requires: a hug, kiss, noggin, and high five

2. He only wants to be tucked in with the "big covers"

3. He sleeps with his "puppy" and whatever the small toy of choice is for the day

Favorite Places to go:

1. Gaggy's house

2. The park

3. "Out of town" aka (visit Uncle D and Aunt Abby or visit Uncle Chris and Aunt Penny)

If he could he would:

1. Ride his bike ALL day

2. Sleep with Mommy and Daddy every night

3. eat breakfast bars for every meal and snack

When he grows up:

1. He wants to play basketball

2. He wants to play football

3. He wants to chew gum

Here is Coop enjoying his birthday Horsey Ride!!

Conversations with Cooper

Cooper: "Mom, I think we should have named Cane, Skittles"
Me: "You picked out the name Cane, why do you want to change it"
Cooper: "I like Skittles better"
Me: "Do you really think you want to change the dogs name"
Cooper: "No, mom I don't want to really change it. That would be silly."
Me joking: "Well, I guess we could call him Cane and Skittles"
Cooper: "No, Mommy his name is Cane we can't call him Skittles too."
Me: "Okay, well Cane it will stay."
Cooper: "Ya know Mom, I think it is silly that you have two names."
Me: "I have two names?"

Cooper: "Yes, your name is Mommy. I really don't like it when people call you that other name."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fun Fun Fundraising

Tonight we were lucky enough to be a part of what will hopefully turn into a yearly tradition for the Reynolds' family. Reynolds' MHS held a benefit to raise money for families in need this Christmas. We had a fantastic turn out and fantastic food but most importantly we raised money for families that need help during the Holidays. Howard and Lisa did an amazing job organizing and getting the whole shabang together. Tonight was a huge success and thanks for letting us be a part of it. I will admit that Cooper stole the night with his karoake version of "Jingle Bells." He was a huge crowd pleaser and he loved every minute of it. I am ever so grateful that the kids were able to take part in such a special night. I only wish they understood what a special night it was and how many people will be helped because of it. In such hard economic times I am humbled by everyone's generosity. HUGE THANKS to everyone who came tonight. You are AMAZING!!

Cooper belting out "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way, HEY"
Playing with Uncle Hayter Dee and Samantha

After an hour Cooper was exhausted and required some extra special love to last through the evening. Good thing Zack was there to tote him around.

Mantha gettin some Brylee love

It's Official

WE HAVE PIGTAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

Better late than never, right? Here are some pictures from our amazingly blessed Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving morning, Cooper getting some practice in

Cooper lovin on Gaggy

My cheeseball

As most of you know, my husband is a big dork and as most of you know my Mom is a Christmas fanatic. This is the result when you mix the two.

Mom wanted a new picture of Bryan for her stocking holders and Bryan was being his usual goofball self :)

The fever finally broke

This is how Coop spent most of his week: miserable, with a temperature and cranky! Poor thing, every time we thought we were about to kick the pesky fever it would creep back up and we were back to square one BUT a cancelled birthday party later we think we are FINALLY on the mend.

My little trooper. His fever finally broke last night but it sure has been a long week for everyone. I am so blessed to have an amazing family here in town, with Bryan being out of town all week I don't know what I would have done with out them.
Luckily, Aunt Lee came to our rescue on Monday and postponed her trip to Atlanta to hang out with Cooper while I went to work. I had so much going on at work on Monday that I just couldn't put it all on a sub so honestly, Aunt Lee, really did save us. Cooper's fever was still pretty high and felt yucky but Lee's lovin and squeezin made it almost all better.
I did get a sub on Tuesday and was able to spend the day with him. He was STILL running a fever and grouchy grouchy but we made it through the day. I hate that he was sick but I really enjoyed spending some one on one time with him and thoroughly enjoyed our snuggle time on the couch. While Coop was watching Mickey Mouse I tryed to get some cleaning done, well, my little helper decided he needed to vacuum too.

He just HAD to wear his Alligator shoes. He kept saying his feet were cold and ONLY the alligator shoes would do. Every Mom knows you do NOT argue with a sick almost three year old. Whatever he wanted was his :) By Tuesday night we were hoping the fever would be gone but no such luck so it was high ho high ho off to Gaggy's we go.

Mom came to my rescue on Wednesday and got a sub for her classroom. She and Coop stayed in and enjoyed their day watching Alvin and the Chipmunks. I called the pediatricians office to see if I should bring him back in or if it was normal for his temperature to still be this high on day 4 of antibiotics. They scheduled him an appointment for Thurs. moring. Luckily we didn't have to take him to that appointment because the pesky old fever was none to thrilled to see Coop's Daddy because when Bryan got home last night Coop's fever was gone within a couple of hours.

Bryan kept him home today just to give him some extra rest time. We took him out for the Reynold's benefit dinner and he lasted a whole hour before he was exhausted and begging to come home. We are going to try school tomorrow but I have a feeling that Mommy or Daddy will be getting a phone call to come get their little grouch.

Thanks to everyone for all the help and prayers this week!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Conversations with Cooper

Although he is sick, he still has his since of humor and sweet sweet personality.

First thing this morning:

Cooper: "Guess what Mommy?"
Me: "What buddy"
Cooper (crawling up on my lap and whispering in my ear): "Santa Claus is coming to town"

Later on in the day I hit my knee on the bathroom door

Cooper: "Mommy are you OK. I am so sorry you got hurt"
Me: "It's ok I just hit my knee"
Cooper: "Wait Mommy. Let me kiss it and make it better like you always do"

At the after hours clinic while they were taking blood (a finger prick)

Cooper: "she needs to hurry up my finger is getting tired"

Poor Little Man

My little man is sick. I needed to work on my classroom friday after school and of course, my wonderful hubby volunteered (ha ha) to help me so Mom and Dad were super excited to take the kids out to dinner and let them spend the night. Well, while Bryan and I are still at work rearranging my room for the 900th time Mom called and said Cooper's eyes were itchy and watery. We all thought it was allergies so they gave him some Benedryl and they were off to bed. Unfortunately he woke Mom up at 4:45am coughing, coughing and more coughing. We went to get them on Saturday morning and Cooper was feeling much better. Since Coop was feeling better we went on with our plans to have Christmas pictures made that evening. The pictures went fantastic, Cooper was by no means 100% himself, but Denise was wonderful and the kids loved her. I am super excited about seeing the photos she took. Sorry, I digress, on with the story. Last night Cooper woke me up about 11:30 to go potty. I was helping him get his pants down and he was on FIRE! I admit, I panicked a little, I woke Bryan up to find the thermometer and took him temp 104. I wanted to immediately take him to the ER but my calm hubby told me to give the Motrin a few minutes to start working. It finally kicked in and his temp started coming down, not enough for me to put him back in his bed, but it did come down to 102. He slept with me (he slept I was awake worrying). We woke up this morning and his fever was still at 102 so I thought we were over the worst. I was wrong, around 9:30 it shot back up to 104 AND off to the after hours clinic goes Cooper :) Diagnosis: Walking pneumonia and out of school until Wednesday. Poor guy, while the Motrin is working he is fine but as soon as his temp starts rising his cheeks get flushed and he is miserable. Now I know there is never a perfect time for a little one to get sick but right now is sooooo far from the right time. Bryan is leaving in the morning to go out of town till who knows when. Cooper's birthday is on Saturday and I haven't done the first thing for his monster truck party. Oh Yea, and remember the fact that I just rearranged my whole room at school until 8 o'clock on friday night (Bryan really enjoyed that date night). Well, I have not made seating charts yet and I have an inservice on Monday that I really really need to go to. I have to cook 2 dishes to take into work. Does anyone know a sub I can get to cover all that for me tomorrow??? Luckily Aunt Lee is coming to our rescue tomorrow and keeping Cooper. He is thrilled that he gets to play hookey from school and hang out with Aunt Lee :)