Sunday, October 26, 2008


My friend Steph, posted this on her blog awhile back and I finally fixed it. It is super super yummy. Bryan and the kids LOVED it. So I thought I would share it with everyone that reads our blog because I know your lives are just as hectic as ours. I for one appreciate a dinner that honestly takes all of 5 minutes to prepare.

Crock Pot Taco Soup
4 chicken breasts
2 cans corn
2 cans pinto beans
2 cans black beans
1 can Ro-tel
1 large can diced tomatoes
1 pkg dry ranch dressing mix
1 pkg dry taco seasoning mix
1 cup chicken broth
Shredded Monterey Jack cheese
Tortilla chips
Sour cream

You need at least a 6 quart crock pot for this recipe. I use Sam’s frozen chicken breasts- run them under hot water for a minute and put them in the crock pot frozen! (Isn’t that great!) Then dump all other ingredients (except cheese and chips) on top of chicken. This really means dump-don’t drain anything!) Cook all day on low or 4-6 hrs on high. Before serving, remove chicken and shred with 2 forks and return to crock pot.Top each individual bowl with cheese, sour cream, and chips. SO YUMMY!

Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY!!!

Okay so not really lions and tigers and bears BUT lions and elephants and camels! Last Sunday Josh, Sarah and Griffin invited us to go to the circus with them. Brylee spent the evening getting spoiled by Gaggy and Poppy while Bryan and I took Cooper to the circus. He absolutely LOVED it. He sat in his seat the entire time in awe of everything. His favorite things at the circus were the tigers and the motorcycles, he was not really fond of the clowns but who can blame him they kind of freak me out too.
Cooper hitching a ride into the circus

Sarah and Griff before the BIG circus

Cooper begging me NOT to make hime ride the elephant

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Joe

Happy Birthday Uncle JOE!!!!!!!!!! We love you bunches and bunches and bunches and bunches! In honor of Josh turning the big 2-9 we are inspired to list the top 10 reasons we LOVE UNCLE JOE.
10. He knows how to wreck a bicycle
9. Great dinner specials at the Chop House
8. He says "Ocho" like a Champ
7. He knows how to flip a four wheeler
6. He knows how to break a 10 pm curfew (even on prom night)
5. He will stay up and play Mario with you until 2am even when your hubby has gone to bed
4. He washes his work clothes with your clothes and gets ink ALL OVER everything
3. He has a thousand nicknames
2. He takes longer to get ready than any girl we know :)
and finally for the #1 reason we love Joe
1. He is absolutely the best friend we could ever imagine and more importantly he is the BEST GODFATHER to both of our children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Josh and Cooper at the hospital the night Cooper was born
Josh and Brylee at the hospital the night Brylee was born
Thank You for being in our lives. We love you!!

Conversations with Cooper

Cooper: "Mommy, why are the trees red?"
Mommy: "Because the leaves are changing colors"
Cooper: "Why are the leaves changing colors?
Mommy: "Because it is Fall"
Cooper: "Mommy, I don't want it to fall"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


One of my greatest joys as a mom is to see my kids laugh and smile! I absolutely love the sound of their precious little giggles.

Friday, October 3, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE D! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish we were in the Boro to sing to you in person but atleast this way you got the birthday song without all of our horrible voices singing it ! We love you very very much and hope you have a fantastic birthday!

Cooper and Brylee wanted to send you some extra special Birthday Kisses.

Story Time

Let me just say we are so blessed with an amazing family. Uncle Hayter Dee came by the other night to see the kids and he made it just in time for story time. Cooper was super excited to read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to "Uncle Hi D" and then Hayter Dee took a turn reading it to Coop. THANKS Uncle Hayter Dee for all your LOVE!!