Saturday, June 28, 2008

Brylee's Boo Boo

My poor baby got her first boo boo. We were outside today cleaning our cars and Brylee was on her riding toy sitting between my legs and holding on. Well, the next thing I knew somehow she took a tumble and here is the result: a big lump and skinned up forehead. Luckily she had her big brother there to take great care of her, Cooper asked if we could take her to the doctor to make her feel better. He did an amazing job holding boo boo bear (a bear shaped ice pack) on her little head for her. I know bumps and bruises are going to happen but there is nothing more heartbreaking than not being able to "fix" it. Uncle D, I know when you read this you are going to be really worried about her and I promise she is fine and very excited about her trip to come see you and Aunt Abby this weekend!

boo boos are no fun

but I'm OK

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mommys Little Helper

I was unloading the dishwasher this morning and Brylee decided to help. Tina, I think the girls have secretly been talking and Caylee shared with her the joy of the dishwasher.

Booty Shakin Contest

jump shake your booty jump jump shake your booty

Yes, you read that correctly we held the first Booty Shaking Contest in our living room last night. I was giving the kids their bath last night and Cooper would not get out of the bath tub so in my exhausted, husband out of town, spent the day at the waterpark, injured back mood I suggested a booty shaking contest between Cooper and Brylee after bathtime. Of course, Cooper jumped out of the tub and could not wait to get his shake on :) My plan worked. I was thrilled and even more thrilled at the funniest moments I have seen from my children yet. Luckily Bryan made it home in time to catch a bit of the contest. This was one of the events that had me running to get the video camera and the camera all the while trying to catch my breath from laughing at them so hard.
here are a couple of pictures from the waterpark too!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wetlands Water Park!!! SOOOO Much Fun

The kids and I visited Wetlands Waterpark for the first time today. If you haven't been there and you have small kids let me be the one to tell you it is extremely kid friendly. I was soooo excited and we had an absolute ball. Of course Gaggy (my mom) joined us for the trip along with my Aunt Jan and Ellison (my little cousin). Thanks guys for all the help and fun the kids and I had a WONDERFUL time. The trip started off a little rough because I am an overloader on sunscren and poor Brylee had to visit the medic office to get her eye flushed because mommy over did it with the sunscreen. Luckily getting her eye flushed out worked wonders and we found out quickly that she is a water baby and has absolutely NO FEAR of the water. She would have crawled straight in head first if we would have let her. Cooper froze his little booty off. All the lifegaurds even said the water was unually cold and didn't know why. I felt so sorry for him he was shaking he was so cold but he kept asking to go down the slide "just one more time, mommy, pwwwease." I thought at one point he was going to be brave enough to go down the slide all by himself but at the last second he asked Ellison to go down with him. We had so much fun that I booked the Pavillion there to have Brylee's first birthday party in August. So if anyone wants to go give me a call and we will have a play date at Wetlands :o)

Look at her pitiful little eye. She is such a trooper.

Such a big boy had to do it "all by
myelf mommy"

Brylee had so much fun I couldn't get her away from the water.
She giggled and giggled and giggled and giggled....

Cooper hanging on for dear life!

Stealing a drink of Gaggy's tea. This picture is so funny because Bryan

and I are really funny about what the kids eat and drink. We only give

Cooper milk, juice, and water. Well, apparently he makes it a habit to

"steal" Gaggy's tea when he is with her.

Brylee had so much fun with the bubbly fountains.

Worn out from a hard day at play.

Sissy all smiles after her hard day at play

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Adventures of Cooper, Brylee, and Java

Meet the newest member of the Reynolds family. This is Java, our new chocolate lab puppy that we got on Father's Day! We took Cooper and Brylee with us to look at chocolate lab puppies and they both fell in love with this little guy.

Cooper loves to give him his food and water. He thinks it is hilarious that Java is such a sloppy drinker.
Brylee loves pulling on his ears. The wonderful thing is he doesn't mind a bit. He loves playing with both of them. Java and Brylee have apparently worked out a little deal, Brylee gets to pull on his ears and in return he gets to lick her legs.
Java chased Cooper around the yard all afternoon and even sat at the bottom of his t-ball stand while Cooper played T-ball.

Today Cooper and I had a little chat about Java:

Cooper: "Mom does Java love me as much as I love him"

Me: "of course, buddy. Java loves you very much"

Cooper: "Good he is my best friend"

Stay tuned..........I am sure this is the first of many posts of the adventures of Cooper, Brylee and Java.

Wonderful Anniversary! Thanks Baby!

Bryan and I celebrated our four year anniversary with a wonderful trip to Cozumel, Mexico. It was a beautiful trip and we had so much fun. It was amazing to lay on the beach and have NO responsibilities for days!! I can't remember the last time that I didn't have appointments, work, and someome saying "mommy" every 20 seconds. I got to read a whole novel, something I have not done since Cooper was born. We were so blessed to take this trip with our amazing friends Josh and Sarah Moody. Bryan and Josh have been friends since 2nd grade. The funny thing about Josh is when I first "met" him he was away at school in Pennsylvania but I felt like I knew him because Bryan talked to him and talked about him all the time. I remember Bryan telling Josh on the phone that he had "met the one" and I knew how important I was to him if he was telling Josh about me. Anyway back to the trip, we had soooooo much fun. We rented a jeep one day and cruised around the island and went shopping in downtown. We snorkled and saw some crazy looking creatures. I swore to Bryan that I would never again swim in an ocean where I couldn't see my feet. We spent most of the time laying on the beach, swimming in the pool, and of course eating all the wonderful food the resort had to offer. Thanks Baby for the amazing anniversary! I love you!

Thanks B! It was truely an amazing trip!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Too Funny

The kids and I are enjoying staying home for the summer. I love teaching for this very reason. Anyway on to the reason for this post. Every day when Bryan gets home from work he always asks Cooper how his day was, here is the conversation from today.

Bryan: "Coop what did you do today"

Cooper: "I went to time out"

Bryan: "Why did you go to time out"

Cooper: "I didn't listen to mommy"

Bryan: "How many times did you go to time out"

Cooper: "Three hundred"

and Bryan looked at me so seriously like I had literally put him in time out 300 times today!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mexico here we come!!!!!!

While Bryan and I are extremely excited about our trip to Mexico I am also extremely nervous. This will be the first time that I have been away from either of the kids for more than 24 hours. To be completely honest I do not think I have been away from them for a full 24 hours. We are going to Cozumel on a mommy and daddy get away with our friends Josh and Sarah Moody. Josh and Sarah will also be leaving their son, Griffin, who is just over a year old. I know that it will be wonderful to spend some time with my hubby again but I am so worried about the kids. I know they will be wonderful, they are staying with Gaggy and Poppy (my mom and dad) but PLEASE say a little prayer for us. I guess honestly pray for me that Bryan doesn't kill me for complaining the whole week for missing the kids!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks and I promise to post pictures of our trip when we return.

Night Time Rituals

The Reynolds Routine at "night night time":

step one: take off clothes ( completely necessary when you have the two messiest eaters in East Tennessee)

step two: eat dinner

step three: bath time (Cooper and Brylee LOVE bath time)

step four: lotion time (Cooper will NOT let you forget this part, as he says it is "his favorite"

Brylee waiting on her baby massage

step five: pajamas (again Cooper will not let you leave this part out, he must have jammies on and please don't forget the socks)

step six: brush teeth

step seven: read two books (not one and not three, of course Cooper gets to pick his books and one of the two is usually an I Spy book. I can definitely see a major problem coming when Brylee is old enough to pick out a book. The battle may result in a 4 book total :)

step eight: Night time prayers. This is mommy's favorite part. Cooper prays for everything (tonight he even recommended we pray for the rolly polly that he ran over with his bicycle). I love his sincerity and honest love for everything.

step nine: Kisses and Hugs for Sissy and Daddy. Bryan takes Brylee for her bottle and mommy has to give Cooper kisses, kisses, and more kisses and one more big hug. Then I get to cover him up and for some reason his newest thing in this step is to cover his head???????

step ten: the night night speech Mommy says EVERY NIGHT when walking out of his room.

I love every minute of this time I get to share with the kids. Here are a couple more pictures from our night night routine.

Cooper making sure "puppy" was tucked in too