Saturday, August 23, 2008

One Year Ago Today

I can not believe that one year ago today we were spending our first full day with our beautiful daughter. Just to reminise a little here is her birthday story. I was due on August 23 and went for a regular check up on Aug 22. I had planned on working a half day that day because it was my first year in Bristol City teaching and I only had 6 weeks maternity leave. I did not want to waste a day off before she was born, I really wanted to spend every day of my 6 weeks leave cuddling my little girl. I had only taken a half day off for my doctors appointment. Well, I had contractions all night off and on so I called in on the 22 to tell my principal that I hadn't had any sleep, I was having contractions and I needed a full day off. She was happy to oblige so I went on with my day and went to my doctors appointment. Of course, there was nothing happening with my exam: no dilation, no dropping, no nadda :) However, they had decided that she was getting to big and decided to induce me the next morning so we set our plan into action. Cooper was going to spend the night with Uncle Hayter Dee because we had to be at the hospital at 6am and they were going to bring him to the hospital the next morning. I got home from the doctors office and told mom the news. She had planned on picking Cooper up and taking him to Hayter Dee's. Shortly after getting home around 2:00pm I started to have contractions and I noticed they were getting more regular and closer together so Bryan and I decided perhaps we should start timing them. They started around 8 minutes apart and were getting closer and closer in a short period of time. I called mom again and told her she might want to come on to get Cooper because we were going to go to the hospital SOON. Mom and Dad finally arrived at our house to pick up Cooper. Against everyones advice I decided to take a shower (I didn't want to go in and deliver a baby all nasty, go figure). By this point I think I was making my family a little uncomfortable they were definitely ready for me to be at the hospital. We finally arrived at the hospital and the doctor checked me I was at 4 and things were progressing pretty quickly. He thought Brylee would make her arrival by 12:00 pm. I got my epidural immediately and the labor went quick and smooth. Brylee Grace our amazingly beautiful daughter was born on August 22,2007 at 11:27 pm weighing 7 lbs 10 ounces.