Sunday, February 15, 2009


First, you will have to ignore my rambling on this topic. Today as I was putting Cooper's gloves on so he could go outside and play with his Daddy it suddenly hit me how quickly he was growing up. As Coop walked out the door huge tears came streaming down my face, because my "baby" is not a baby anymore. I am amazed that three years have passed so quickly. It is the little things that I hope I will always remeber. For example, he calls gloves "glubs." When he tells me loves me, his version is "Mommy, I wuvs you." When I ask him how much Mommy loves him, he replies "big much." When you ask him his sister's name he says "Sissy Brylee Grace." He is finally starting to like going to the Y with Mommy to work out and the main reason for this is that the Y has the infamous Power Rangers that I will not buy for him. He would spend all day riding his bike and scooter if we would let him. He always starts our diner conversation with, "Mommy, how was your day at school?" He thinks it is super cool that Mommy goes to school just like him. He knows I am a teacher, but he always asks me if "I had a good day with my friends." He loves Lightning McQueen and calls him "Queen." He is such and amazing child and I really enjoy spending time with him. He is funny, charming, and so sweet. I made the comment the other day to one of my friends that one day he is going to make the most amazing husband, and I pray daily that God brings him the most wonderful wife.

I got out the camcorder today because I just want to capture every moment. I know that it is not possible, but it saddens me to think that these will probably be among some of the small things that I will forget about 10 or 15 years down the road.

See, I told you this post was going to be a rambling mess.


Abby Davis said...

I know...Coop IS getting so big. Let's put our heads together and come up with a way to stop him from getting any older. I want Coop and Brylee to stay just the age they are now for the next 5 years! Love and miss you guys!!

Sarahmoody said...

So this just made me cry! He is such a cute boy and they are all growing so fast....looking at the pics I remember when he was so little and you were the only one with a kid and its seems so long ago! If only we could keep them that little!

lani said...

Leslie, can I please tell you how much I enjoy reading your blogs! It makes me feel like we are together just via internet. You have beautiful kids and I'm so happy for you. You're a beautiful wife and mother, but yet I knew you always would be. I love you!