Saturday, March 28, 2009

18 month well check

Brylee had her 18 month well check during spring break. She had fun showing off at the appointment and really impressed Dr. Ley with her developmental skills and vocabulary. She danced for him, sang, and even named body parts. She was like a show pony. He pointed to her nose and ask her what it was. She, of course, responded nose. He clapped and said "good job." Then it was on, she rambled off every part she knew including her "pits." We went through the same scenario when he showed her a magazine picture that had several animals. He pointed to the dog and ask her what it was. She responded "dog" and barked. He laughed and clapped and she began showing off again naming all of the animals on the page. The funniest thing was when he pointed to the monkey Brylee said "monkey bed, monkey bed." Dr. Ley looked at me with the most confused face until I explained that when the kids jump on the bed I always say "no more monkeys jumping on the bed." It was all fun and games until the nurse came in with the dreaded shots. Brylee absolutely hates shots and began screaming as soon as she saw the needles. Luckily, she recooperated quickly and was in tip top shape for our play date the next day.

Here are her 18 month stats:

Head 48cm
Weight: 25.12 lbs
Height: 32 inches