Monday, November 2, 2009


The Reynolds' family re-union. I know I am way behind. The re-union was actually the first Saturday in August, but I am just now posting them. We had a wonderful time and this year we actually had a new venue. We had the re-union at Warrior's Path. We had the picnic at the shelter on the lake and it was perfect. The kids loved being in the water, and Brylee's favorite part was the beach. She spent more time playing in the sand than in the water this year, but Cooper was a jet ski maniac. He loved riding, and I'm pretty sure he rode with every uncle he could sneak a ride with.

Brylee showing off her Copper Tone Booty

Jet Ski Maniac. He definitely takes this after his cousin Zak and Uncle Hayter Dee

Apparently, Brylee takes after Zak too :)

Gotta love what a jet ski ride does to the hair

Brave, brave, brave...

Miss Priss