Saturday, December 19, 2009

Birthday Boy!!

It seems almost impossible that Cooper is FOUR!!! He decided for his birthday he didn't want a party, but instead he wanted to go to the zoo. Well, who was I to argue with that? But, come the day of his birthday there was one big was freezing cold outside. Luckily for me, Coop's super smart Daddy realized the predicament we were about to have: Cooper not getting a party + not getting to get to the zoo + a crying 4 year old on his birthday....which all means one crying Mommy because she couldn't make her babies birthday wish come true. In steps Super Dad......he started talking to Coop about all the animals he wanted to see at the zoo. The conversation led to sharks!! Sharks at the zoo? I was thinking he had lost his mind, but he gave me the don't worry honey, Super Dad is here look. The conversation between the two continued on about different types of sharks..........then it came...the magical part of the day.....Cooper asked me if we could go see sharks instead of bears and lions! Whew, that Super Dad saved the day!!!!
Unfortunately, Super Dad did not charge the batteries on the camera! So, I will have to post more birthday pictures when I get them from Gaggy.