Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas with the Davis crew

I love Christmas! Yes, I am a self-admitted Christmas-aholic. Some of my best memories are of waking up Christmas morning with my brother, Dana, and opening presents. Now that I think back it is hard to remember the presents, but I remember the laughs, giggles, and time spent together. I love that we all still spend the night at my mom and dad's house on Christmas Eve night and wake up together Christmas morning. One night a year we are back at mom and dad's and it's just like old times...with a few additions :)

Sad but Chritmas morning this was our 4th present opening, so apparently I was a slacker with the camera and only took a few.

Uncle D and Aunt Abby helping open presents

While we were opening presents, Cooper dissapeard. I found him sitting in the kitchen floor playing his DS. I asked him if he was okay and he said he was "overwhelmed." He absolutely had the most tender heart! He wanted to know why he had so many presents when there were kids that would not have any at all. He said he didn't need them all and we should give them to a boy who didn't get any presents. I am in awe of how the Lord is working in his heart. In just a short year, he has gone from crying because "that is all I got" to the "Christmas is about LOVE not presents" kid!! I am so proud to call this amazing child my son! God is working in his life and I am excited about the work he has in store for Cooper!

Brylee adores her Auntie Ab