Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Birthday Boy Turns the BIG 3

On Saturday Cooper celebrated his 3rd birthday. It is so hard to believe that he is 3 years old. Time really does fly. It seems like just yesterday I was standing in his nursery praying to God to bless us with a healthy baby. I still remember standing in the door way of his room rubbing my big ol' pregnant belly thinking "is he ever going to come." Well, three years later we are extremely blessed with our "little man."

Unfortunately, we had to cancel Coop's party on Saturday because he had been sick all week long and I didn't want to take a chance of him being absolutely miserable at his big monster truck birthday party. We went for the next best thing: a night at Chuck E. Cheese. The ride of the night for him was definitely the horsey ride. I think we probably spent fifteen dollars on the horsey ride. He loved loved loved it. We had to take him off so other kids could ride it and as soon as they were done he was right back on it. He did briefly pause for a game of air hockey but it was short lived and we were right back to the horsey ride.

In honor of Cooper turning 3 here is Coop's top 3 list:

Favorite Cartoons:

1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
2. Go Diego Go
3. Backyardigans

Favorite Foods:

1. Breakfast Bars
2. Sausage Balls
3. Watermelon

Favorite Toys:

1. Balls (football/basketball/soccer) it doesn't matter what kind, just play ball!
2. Motorcycles / Race Cars/ Monster Trucks
3. Horses

Favorite Movies:

1. Ice Age
2. Shrek
3. Cat in the Hat

Cooper's Night Time Favorites:

1. Tucking in requires: a hug, kiss, noggin, and high five

2. He only wants to be tucked in with the "big covers"

3. He sleeps with his "puppy" and whatever the small toy of choice is for the day

Favorite Places to go:

1. Gaggy's house

2. The park

3. "Out of town" aka (visit Uncle D and Aunt Abby or visit Uncle Chris and Aunt Penny)

If he could he would:

1. Ride his bike ALL day

2. Sleep with Mommy and Daddy every night

3. eat breakfast bars for every meal and snack

When he grows up:

1. He wants to play basketball

2. He wants to play football

3. He wants to chew gum

Here is Coop enjoying his birthday Horsey Ride!!