Thursday, May 14, 2009


I got "that call" at work today. The one every mom dreads. My mom called and informed me that Brylee was OK, but she had fallen and hit her head and their was a possibility of needing stitches. Well, I immediately went into panic mode and most of you know I don't do well in panic mode. I am do grateful that it was 2:45 and the school day was over because my poor students would have thought I had lost my marbles. My imagination of course went to the worst but the whole 2 minute drive to Palmer I kept reassuring myself saying if it is "that bad" they would have called an ambulance. Yes, I must admit my Mom brain went there ambulance, 911, and all. By the time I walked into the building and saw her I was sooooo relieved. It looks pretty rough but compared to the images I had imprinted in my brain it was a relief. I called the pediatricians office to see if I could bring her there or if I needed to take her to the ER. The Dr's office was wonderful and told me to bring her on to their office. After a long look and a very very thorough exam the pediatrician was happy to announce that she didn't need a CAT skan. We discussed a couple of stitches but she mentioned the possibility of scarring so we opted for the glue. Of course, like any head injury we have to keep a close eye on her tonight but she has done well through out the day.

She is such a nut, she keeps touching it and saying "uh-oh."


Joanna said...

I am so glad she is ok...that know is NASTY!!!!

Joanna said...

That knot is nasty!

Tina said...

Love the picture of her smiling behind the paci. Bless your heart. Love that kid!

Mary Michael Conkin said...

I am so sorry! But man, kids are so resiliant. She is too cute...