Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Homework

Cooper has started Pre-K and is LOVING it! Because his birthday is in December he didn't turn 5 until after the K cut-off, so he has one more year before he goes to big school. He is so funny; he keeps asking me when he will be big enough to come to my school. He can't wait to come to the "blue school" with Mommy. I must admit I'm super excited about him attending the elementary and middle city schools he is zoned for but already dreading him going to the high school. Bryan tells me to stop worrying that it is YEARS away but I can't help it. I loved growing up in the county schools that I went to and really loved my high school. Yep, I am one of those across town, South girls. I always imagined that my kids would grow up in that community and attend the school I went to, but since I am teaching in the city schools it makes more since to have them attend in the system I work in. We can be on the same schedule and I will be able to enjoy the same off time with them! Atleast I years to get used to the idea of them going to the city high school. Anyway, I digress, back to the original reason for the post...Coop's homework. His assignment was to decorate a person with pictures/drawings of his favorite things. I didn't get a picture of the final product but his person included pictures of: pancakes (favorite food), 2 jet skis, four wheelers, swimming, a train, and a bicycle. He enjoyed his homework assignment and gave his Momma hope that maybe their will be a member of the Reynolds' clan that actually enjoys homework.