Thursday, July 31, 2008

Conversations with Cooper

I have not felt very good the last couple of days and had a horrible headache. While laying on the couch watching a movie with Cooper we had the cutest little conversation:

Cooper: "Mommy can you turn up the volume I can't hear it?"
Me: "Cooper mommy's head hurts really bad can I turn it up just a little"
Cooper: "Mommy what's wrong?"
Me: "I don't know buddy I just don't feel very good and I don't have any energy."
Cooper: "Where do your batteries go Mommy. I'll get you new ones so you have energy again."

God Thank You for the sweetest little boy in the world!


Stephanie said...

Hey Leslie-
Thanks for the comment. Sometimes I wonder if people think I am crazy.
I am glad to see your family! Super cute babies!! Tell Dana to start a blog so I can see them too.
I am so glad to be in touch.