Thursday, July 17, 2008

Today was a great day because....

Ok I know everyone is with me you have had one of those days when all you wanted to do was run away from home. Well, today was my day, I literally just wanted to get in my car and drive. Needless to say I had to regroup the kids were counting on me so I hopped in the shower, took a few deep breaths and tryed to prepare myself for the day, hoping simply hoping that it would get better. While I was in the shower I realized that as bad as the day had been it was still a great day because I have two beautiful, amazing babies who light up my world. I came to the realization that there will never be another day exactly like today and to enjoy every minute of it, soaking up every moment I get to spend with my kids because I will never get this day back. So I am completely inspired to begin posting the simple reasons why my day was a great day.

Today was a great day because:

  1. Cooper told me I was perfect (absolutely melted my heart)
  2. Cooper told me my egg and cheese sandwich was better than Daddy's, HAHA!
  3. Brylee is really starting to walk everywhere and I love watching her do her high step
  4. Cooper helped me do laundry, one of his favorite things to do
  5. Brylee helped me unload the dishwasher, well she sat on it while I unloaded it, but it counts
  6. I got to watch Cooper and Brylee wrestle on the floor smoothering each other with kisses!
  7. Most importantly I got to tell both of my healthy beautiful babies how much I love them: to the moon and back, of course


The Osborne Family said...

I totally understand!! I'm glad to know that other mommies think of running away too--even if it is just for a moment! Great insight! Thanks for sharing!

Tina said...

Thanks for sharing this post. I have moments like that as well. We are blessed. You know what I like to do? I like to crank up some tunes on the Ipod piped into our house speakers and the kids and I dance our frustrations away!