Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Swimming at Howie and Lisa's

On Saturday we spent the afternoon swimming and cooking out with Bryan's brother Howard and his wonderful wife Lisa. They have a pool and they invited us over for some fun. Cooper LOVED the pool and it was the first time that he really got to swim by himself, with the help of a life jacket of course. Uncle Howie also showed him to use the noodle to float and Cooper thought it was the coolest thing that he could go all the way to the deep end all by himself. I was amazed at Brylee she spent hours just floating around checking out the scenery. Cooper finally got brave enough to go off the diving board after a couple of hours of encouragement. However, the only way he was going off was in his daddy's arms. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it but I was a little to nervous to be thinking about the camera in that moment. He only jumped off that one time but I was so very very proud of him. The funny part of the afternoon was that Uncle Howie got dried off and was already to cook but Cooper ask him why he had gotten out of the pool. Howie explained that he dried off so he could cook dinner. Well apparently Cooper wasn't ready for him to get out and ask Howie to get back in and swim with him. Of course, Howie jumped right back in and swam with him till Cooper let him get out. After the second swimming session Uncle Howie cooked us some yummy hot dogs and hamburgers. Thanks Howie and Lisa we had a wonderful time!!!!!!!

Uncle Howie showing Cooper how to use the noodle
Brylee loved hanging out in her float
Cooper swimming all by himself
Brylee and Aunt Lisa
Howie and Cooper