Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fun Fest 2009

Here are my grandparents great-grandbabies!! Houston, Lauren, Ellison, Cooper and Brylee! The kids are so blessed to know their great-grandparents.

Lauren and Brylee enjoying a snack after the mountain bike ride, and YES Brylee finished the race too!! She rode in a carrier on Mommy's bike!
Cooper showing off his trophy for being the youngest rider of the Bays Mountain Bike Race! It was really neat because Poppy recieved the trophy for the oldest finisher too!

after begging and begging Coop, he finally moved the trophy from in front of his face. He was so so very proud of his trophy!

huge corn dog and a is good
have I mentioned she is a HANDFUL
my cousin Jennifer and her daughters Lauren and Ellison

My Monkeys

I love love this face because it is so Cooper. I am sure he is in the middle of asking my "Why?"
Silly "goofs" as Coop calls them

Ellie and Brylee
This is probably one of my favorite pictures of all time! It is so hard to see, but Cooper is helping Brylee up the slide. She was so hesitant to go up the slide, but he really wanted her to go with him. She finally decided to go, but changed her mind half way up. She wanted to come back down, but he held her hand and talked her in to going all the way to the top. He stayed by her side and held her hand all the way to the top. I was so worried that when they got to the top he would be so excited that he would leave her and slide, but being the big brother that he is.....he waited for her. They came down the slide holding hands. You can see my Mom's hand in the bottom left corner giving Cooper the "thumbs up" for being such a great brother!!