Sunday, September 28, 2008

Field Trip to Fender's Farm

On Tuesday Cooper's school went on a field trip to Fender's Farm. Bryan went with him and they had a blast. Cooper had so much fun decorating his pumpkin and proudly told me all about it when he got home. Apparently not only did Bryan have the responsibility of watching out for Cooper but also keeping my mom sane (and for all of you that know my mom that is one HUGE job :). We are so blessed that my mom works at the kids school and keeps an extra eye out for them and is there for extra kisses and cuddles throughout the day.

I asked Bryan if he could go on the field trip with Cooper (not knowing that there were 3 bus loads of kids 4 and under) going on the trip. I SWEAR I never realized the kids school was that big. On Tuesday afternoon when I went to pick up the kids some of the parents were talking about the field trip and the number of kids that went. I knew for sure that Bryan was going to kill me for not warning him. Much to my surprise when I got home we was so excited about the day and just laughed it off. Whew, that was a close one. So I guess I am technically married to Super Dad and I love it!!!