Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why Mommy Why???????

As everyone with a two year old knows, the most often spoken workd out of there mouth is WHY? Cooper is obsessed with the sun and moon and WHY the sun is not always up and WHY the moon is not always up. He asks WHY the we can't see the sun, WHY is it gone, WHY did the sun go down, WHY the moon is gone. You get the picture, right? Well it my great mommy wisdom we had this conversation and I must admit my mommy wisdom did not carry me as far as I thought it would. Cooper and I had the following conversation one our way home from "school."

Cooper: "Where is the moon?"
Me: "The moon is tired and it is taking a nap"
Cooper: "Why"
Me: "Because just like you the moon has to take naps"
Cooper: "Why, I don't like naps and neither does the moon"
Me: "Well honey the moon was tired so it had to go to bed for a little bit"
Cooper: "Where does the moon sleep"
Me: "I'm not sure we will have to ask Daddy where the moon sleeps"


Tina said...

Don't you love this age? Carson is the SAME way! I love the conversations we have on the way home from school (even if I am exhausted)