Santa came to our house on Christmas Eve Morning! Isn't that nice of Santa to drop off Brylee and Cooper's presents one day early! Santa dropped off our presents early because he knew we were going to spend the night with Gaggy and Poppy and be at their house on Christmas morning. Between Santa Claus and Mommy and Daddy the kids were absolutely spoiled rotten. I have already talked to Santa and we are both going to cut back next year.
Cooper opened his first present, which happened to be a motorcycle with a rider on it. He was thrilled and way to busy playing with his motorcycle to open his other presents. He loved his motorcycle so much that we had to pretty much force him to open his other gifts. Brylee on the other hand was unwrapping them quicker than I could get pictures. She was her neat and tidy self though. As she unwrapped her gifts she brought me all the paper to throw away, even the teency tiniest peices.
Brylee's favorite present from Santa was her Tadoodle. It is an art station that has markers and sings and plays while she draws. It encorporates her two favorite things so it was a must on Santa's list.
Cooper's favorite as I mentioned earlier was the motorcycle and rider. He loves this motorcyle. A very close second is the movie "Cars." He has since been obsessed with this movie. He wants to watch it every time we get in the car and he sleeps with his two big "Queens."
Brylee thought it was much more fun to play her piano with her bootie
Another great puzzle book from "Books R Fun"
Brylee with her first Cabbage Patch Baby
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