Monday, June 2, 2008

Too Funny

The kids and I are enjoying staying home for the summer. I love teaching for this very reason. Anyway on to the reason for this post. Every day when Bryan gets home from work he always asks Cooper how his day was, here is the conversation from today.

Bryan: "Coop what did you do today"

Cooper: "I went to time out"

Bryan: "Why did you go to time out"

Cooper: "I didn't listen to mommy"

Bryan: "How many times did you go to time out"

Cooper: "Three hundred"

and Bryan looked at me so seriously like I had literally put him in time out 300 times today!


TheSipeFamily said...

Cool to see your blog!!! I will keep up with it!!! Tiffany

Abby Davis said...

My nephew had to be put in time-out??? I'm not sure I believe you: ) Great blog! Now we can check out new pics of our two favorite kiddos! Love you!!