Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wetlands Water Park!!! SOOOO Much Fun

The kids and I visited Wetlands Waterpark for the first time today. If you haven't been there and you have small kids let me be the one to tell you it is extremely kid friendly. I was soooo excited and we had an absolute ball. Of course Gaggy (my mom) joined us for the trip along with my Aunt Jan and Ellison (my little cousin). Thanks guys for all the help and fun the kids and I had a WONDERFUL time. The trip started off a little rough because I am an overloader on sunscren and poor Brylee had to visit the medic office to get her eye flushed because mommy over did it with the sunscreen. Luckily getting her eye flushed out worked wonders and we found out quickly that she is a water baby and has absolutely NO FEAR of the water. She would have crawled straight in head first if we would have let her. Cooper froze his little booty off. All the lifegaurds even said the water was unually cold and didn't know why. I felt so sorry for him he was shaking he was so cold but he kept asking to go down the slide "just one more time, mommy, pwwwease." I thought at one point he was going to be brave enough to go down the slide all by himself but at the last second he asked Ellison to go down with him. We had so much fun that I booked the Pavillion there to have Brylee's first birthday party in August. So if anyone wants to go give me a call and we will have a play date at Wetlands :o)

Look at her pitiful little eye. She is such a trooper.

Such a big boy had to do it "all by
myelf mommy"

Brylee had so much fun I couldn't get her away from the water.
She giggled and giggled and giggled and giggled....

Cooper hanging on for dear life!

Stealing a drink of Gaggy's tea. This picture is so funny because Bryan

and I are really funny about what the kids eat and drink. We only give

Cooper milk, juice, and water. Well, apparently he makes it a habit to

"steal" Gaggy's tea when he is with her.

Brylee had so much fun with the bubbly fountains.

Worn out from a hard day at play.

Sissy all smiles after her hard day at play