Monday, June 16, 2008

The Adventures of Cooper, Brylee, and Java

Meet the newest member of the Reynolds family. This is Java, our new chocolate lab puppy that we got on Father's Day! We took Cooper and Brylee with us to look at chocolate lab puppies and they both fell in love with this little guy.

Cooper loves to give him his food and water. He thinks it is hilarious that Java is such a sloppy drinker.
Brylee loves pulling on his ears. The wonderful thing is he doesn't mind a bit. He loves playing with both of them. Java and Brylee have apparently worked out a little deal, Brylee gets to pull on his ears and in return he gets to lick her legs.
Java chased Cooper around the yard all afternoon and even sat at the bottom of his t-ball stand while Cooper played T-ball.

Today Cooper and I had a little chat about Java:

Cooper: "Mom does Java love me as much as I love him"

Me: "of course, buddy. Java loves you very much"

Cooper: "Good he is my best friend"

Stay tuned..........I am sure this is the first of many posts of the adventures of Cooper, Brylee and Java.


Tina said...

I hope you have lots of things for Java to chew on. We have two labs and learned VERY quickly to provide things for them to chew on or they would find things! What a cutie!!!

The Johnson Family said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! Cooper has gotten so big and Brylee is adorable!